
Showing posts from May, 2017

The 60km Race That Was 40 Miles

As a teacher, there are times when all sanity leaves your body and replaces it with an empty shell-puppet going through the motions of life. One of these times inevitably occurs during the horrible, no-good, very bad testing days. The only thing worse than taking standardized tests is watching others take standardized tests. Boredom exceeds breathing. You begin to play games. Harmless little games that help pass the time. Breath count- Make your breathing match the rhythm of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody Eye Contact- Stare at a single student to see how long it takes for them to look up The Weave- Make intricate patterns between desks as you oversee each bubble filled in completely Spy Alert- Pretend you are undercover and looking for spy gadgets in an evil meeting of mindless drones Blink 182- Count the times you blink in a minute and try to reduce it by half for the next consecutive 10 minutes Needless to say, I might hate standardized tests more emphatically than my...

St. Kate and the Dragon Boat

Story Butchered from  The Golden Legend; or, Lives of the Saints , compiled by Jacobus de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, 1275. First edition published in 1470. Translated into English by William Caxton, first edition 1483. Saint Kate was a knight and born in Talahassee. One time she came to the city of Naha in the province of Okinawa. Near this city was a port, wherein there was a dragon which was running rampant throughout all the country. Whenever he approached the docks he bellowed great menacing noises, and therefore the people of the city gave to him every twenty minutes thirty two people to satisfy his hunger, so that he would do no harm to the bystanders. An ordinance was made that the children and young people of the town should be chosen by lottery to feed the dragon. Whoever the lot fell upon, wealthy or poor, he or she was delivered to the dragon. One time the lot fell upon the staff of OCSI, and the exuberant principal said to his people, "For the thrill ...

It's A Meme Life

Sorry Sherlock, I could list a plethora of excuses compounded by time and imagination; however, I don't have the mental energy. You can deduce that I became lazy and gave the excuse of limited time. My Year in Meme: My Job Also My Job My Coaching Job My XC and Track Runners My Free Time Free Time After Coaching The Remaining Free Time *As the above does not count as writing, see secondary posts for more complete information regarding time not spent teaching, running, eating or sleeping. *