The Trouble with Alarm Clocks, Mud, and Language
With Saturday's half-marathon completed in Katelin's record time of 2 hours and 45 minutes, Sunday sprang optimistically to the window in the form of gray clouds and slight sunshine. My eyes eeked open to the mental collapse of "WHY?!?!" screeching from my sleep addled brain. Blame fell menacinglly to the cause of my disquiet: the alarm clock.* Sweet revenge played itself in my mind as a Brain Stinking Ninja appeared suggesting a projectile clock through a closed window. I restrained myself to smashing it with the most lethal pillow I could find at such short notice until the time registered to meaning. I had a to-do-list twice as large as any usual Sunday. Twice a month, I bring goodies for people to eat. Sunday's menu? Shortbread cookies. I LOVE these little pieces of heaven, so the promise of fresh baked delights extricated me from the shelter of sheets and launched me into the kitchen. - . - . Baking Cookies, Getting Ready, Leaving for Church, and other Bo...