The Adventure Begins
Flying by yourself to a foreign country that you have never visited before could seem rather daunting. I was expecting to fulfill the cliches of 'shaking in my boots', 'so nervous I could puke', or 'butterflies in my stomach' and many others; however, I survived with flying colors and even had the gumption of giving directions to other Americans who were lost and apparently couldn't read English (or were just too nervous to look at the signs). Today, I felt rather empowered. Yes. I can go though foreign airports without getting lost! Airports are the BEST places to sit down with your favorite cup of joe, prop your feet up on your suitcase, and watch the people go by. It is practically the olympics of people-watching. So without further ado, I present... THE PEOPLE-WATCHING OLYMPIC EVENTS! This year's events are as follows: the Impressive, the Wierd, the Gross, and the OMG. To save time on this broadcast, I will only be covering the gold medal winn...