
Showing posts from June, 2015

3.5 hours instead of 10 minutes

Note: The Following is a Slight Exaggeration Me: YAY! I'm leaving the USA! Going on adventures! *High-pitched, embarrassing squeal of excitement* Government: NO! Not until you pass all my tests! Muahahaha! *evil laugh* You must have numerous tests to see if you be human. We withhold the right to tell you no even if all tests be 'normal'; we know not this 'normal' you speak of. You must also sell us your right to time, peace of mind, and ability to function for the next two months while we discuss your virtues. So DANCE PUPPET! DANCE! Me: Crudmonkeys! Darn you government. Note: The Following is NOT an Exaggeration This crudmonkery made me get a physical, blood test, urine test, TB test and paperwork galore. Ah the glories of target practice in a cup and needles stuck in my arm with the resulting bruise; give me paperwork any day! The trouble came with TB test check day. As you might know, a TB test is punched under your skin like a tiny blister fille...

Busy Busy Busy

Since I last had time to breathe, much has happened of which you probably need to be aware. Happenings That Have Happened, and In Their Happening, Made Less to Happen: School ended! This would normally be the end of work, but NO. I had a student to tutor in Geometry, a graduation to organize, teaching materials to organize for those to follow, and packing and cleaning for a move. One week later... I moved to Georgia! To await the coming of flights, I moved back in with the parental units. They are dismayed, but I get free housing... Hi Mom! One day later... I visited the grand state of North Carolina for a measly 8.5 hours for a brain appointment and a hair appointment.  Brain appointment: I am justified in stating that I am partly crazy. I have Irlen Syndrome. Yes, it is a real thing. It simply means that my brain cannot handle all of the information my eyes send to it. The results are psychedelic: I see moving bubbles, rainbows, streams, halos, heatwaves, and jumping fle...

On the Success of Positivity

I have been LAZY. The following post has almost rotten in my draft folder. Well, better late than never. "Yesterday was Memorial Day. Usually set aside for the adventures of pools, camping, barbeques, and hiking, I was determined to follow tradition. Kristen, Hank and I settled on the adventure of hiking the Grand Canyon South Rim to the Colorado River and back in one day. Sunday's research section warned us repeatedly "DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HIKE RIM TO RIVER AND BACK IN ONE DAY." Katelin: "That was written for people who are out of shape. We run half-marathons!" Hank: "I should inform my family that I could be dead tomorrow." Kristen: "I am officially nervous about this, guys." Katelin: "It will be fine. I did it last year and I was horribly out of shape." Hank: "Alright, as long as it is not raining." AND IT WAS. We arrived at the Grand Canyon at 7:30 to bipolar rain. One minute it would pour torrents from th...