A Fish Out of Water

Apparently I look like a fish gasping for water when I run. Pictures from the Grand Canyon Half Marathon were published today on Lucid Images. These horrifying embarrassments are available for a price. Scanning through the images of "OK" signs, frowns, "Rock On" hand signals, and "I think I am dying right here and right now" faces, I saw my own face. First thoughts? THAT IS SOME SERIOUS FISH FACE. OK so it's not that bad, but everybody is pretty skeptical when it comes to pictures of themselves. I would post the pics for your inspection, but I'm cheap and refuse to pay $20 for duckface. You will have to be satisfied with the after-image. Quick story about this pic... 2 minutes before this was taken, I had the pleasure to be reintroduced to chocolate milk after a race. Note to self: Chocolate milk after running is bad for Katelin. I do not care what the commercials say; Chocolate milk makes my stomach go through acrobatic maneuvers...